学英语(2)跟着 AI 学英语
随着 AI 技术火热,各种人工智能工具层出不穷。今天在推特上偶遇了一个介绍赫赫有名的李笑来老师做的一款工具:Engjoy。
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我还没有自己去试用过,看两位介绍这款软件的推友介绍,这款工具软件虽然刚刚推出,还有一些小的 bug,但可以用起来。这个工具的第一个用途,看来就是看视频的时候,可以跟踪看字幕,跟我前面介绍的 TED app 的功能相似,但是不受限制,估计至少 YouTube 上的视频没问题。
如上所言,AI 工具很多。其中还有一些是能够与人进行对话的软件……我咨询了一下 ChatGPT,得到以下这十个推荐。有时间试过,再来介绍。
Q: Do you have a recommendation for a voice conversational AI tool that one can use to talk back and forth with to learn the English language?
A: Certainly! There are several voice conversational AI tools designed to help users practice and learn the English language. Here are a few recommendations:
Duolingo: This popular language-learning platform includes a feature that allows you to practice speaking. The app uses speech recognition to provide feedback and guide learners through conversational practice.
Rosetta Stone: Known for its immersive language-learning approach, Rosetta Stone offers a speech-recognition feature that helps learners refine their pronunciation and conversational skills.
Elsa Speak: Elsa is an English Language Speech Assistant that helps language learners with their pronunciation. Through its voice recognition technology, users can receive instant feedback and develop their English speaking skills.
Mondly: This language-learning app provides interactive dialogues using speech recognition which encourages users to speak and improve their language skills in a conversational context.
HelloTalk: This is a language exchange app where you can chat with native speakers of your target language. You can send voice messages or make voice calls, which provides an excellent opportunity to practice conversational English.
Speakly: Speakly combines science and computer algorithms to provide users with real-life conversations that are optimized for language learning at different stages.
Memrise: Memrise provides not only memorization techniques but also conversational practice with natives through video clips, where you can listen and repeat after them, and then receive feedback.
Google Assistant: Although not specifically designed for language learning, you can use Google Assistant to practice English conversation. It’s a good way to become comfortable with speaking English in a conversational manner.
Tandem: Another language exchange app where you can talk with English speakers who want to learn your language. It supports text, voice, and video communications.
Cambly: This app connects you to native English speakers for live, conversational practice. You can have conversational English sessions on-demand or schedule them.
When using these tools, remember that while they are great for practice and honing pronunciation, they might not always be a perfect substitute for interaction with an actual human tutor who can give you more nuanced feedback and support. However, they can complement your language learning strategy effectively. Always check the requirements and privacy policies of these apps before using them to ensure they meet your preferences and needs.
Q: 有没有特别适合说中文、仅有初级英语能力的个人用来学习英语的工具软件?
A: 针对母语为中文、英语水平处于初级阶段的学习者来说,以下是一些适合的语言学习工具软件:
百词斩 (Baicizhan): 这是一个非常受中国学习者欢迎的英语学习App,它结合了记忆方法和有趣的互动来帮助学习者记单词,而且界面和内容都支持中文。
沪江开心词场: 提供丰富的英语学习资源,包括单词记忆、口语练习等,并且有配合中文解释的英文实例。
口袋英语 (Pocket English): 为中国用户量身定做的英语学习应用,提供从词汇到语法、听力和口语等全方位学习材料。
HelloTalk: HelloTalk是一个语言交换应用程序,支持中英文界面,允许用户与世界各地的母语人士进行交流,可以练习发送文字、语音消息,并尝试语音和视频通话。
多邻国 (Duolingo): 多邻国的界面友好,可以用中文设置,适合英语初学者。它通过游戏化的方式教授英语,包括读、写、听和说四个方面的练习。
英语流利说 (Liulishuo): 这款App特别针对中国市场推出,它使用了先进的语音识别技术帮助用户提高英语发音,并且提供了基于人工智能的个性化学习方案。